To rename a local Git branch, make sure you are on the branch that you want to rename. You can use the git branch command with the -m option followed by the new branch name and the current branch name.
Continue Reading...To rename a local Git branch, make sure you are on the branch that you want to rename. You can use the git branch command with the -m option followed by the new branch name and the current branch name.
Continue Reading...'git fetch' retrieves the latest changes from the remote repository, but it doesn't merge those changes into your local branch. 'git pull' will automatically merge the changes from the remote repository into your local branch without giving you a chance to review them first.
Continue Reading...To delete a Git branch, Make sure you are on a branch other than the one you want to delete. You cannot delete the branch you are currently on.
'git branch -d
Here is an example code that uses the pandas library to combine multiple CSV files into a single file.
Continue Reading...The error message "ImportError: No module named" in Python usually indicates that you are trying to import a module that either does not exist or is not installed in your Python environment.
Continue Reading...To select multiple columns in a Pandas dataframe, you can pass a list of column names to the dataframe indexing operator [].
Continue Reading...You can get the row count of a Pandas DataFrame using the shape attribute or the len() function.
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