To recover a dropped stash in Git, you can use the git stash apply command with the --index option and the name of the stash.

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The git push command uploads local repository content to a remote repository. The git commit command saves the repository changes in local machine but not remote repository. By contrast Git push then updated the git commit changes and sends it to remote repository. It helps the developers for access them.

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Limitless objects with each size upto 5TB are stored using S3 bucket in AWS. Buckets allows to store objects that are related to one another. Amazon S3 having the object search box in user interface to allows you to search prefix or you can use Amazon S3 API's LIST operation, which only returns thousands of objec

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In Bash, we can use echo or printf command to display a text in the console or terminal. Each commands have their own behaviors.

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Yes, we have a command to find the values minimum, maximum, sum, mean, standard deviation, lines, variance from a file. Stats package is very useful calculate the values.

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If you would like to remove the specific character or replacing string in the particular file by the command.

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We have already describes few Linux or Unix shell scripts with if or while commands, if you want to increment a value or use in loops,

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