We need to install bzip2 and bzip2-devel package on your system using YUM Command,

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You may get an error C compiler cc is not found while installting or compiling softwares in your linux system, need to install supporting library packages.

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We have already discussed about install postgreSQL on previous post, this post describe to configure postgreSQL and phpPgAdmin on XAMPP

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PyCharm tool is a code editor support for Python, JavaScript, popular scripting language, CSS and etc. Also can easily identify code completion, error detection shows automatically.

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Opera browser is an open source and have powerful features. This help us stay online when your internet connection is slow.

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SAR command is collect and report system activity in the operating system, easily to get system status number of times spaced at the specified intervals in seconds. Analysis of load values of different sub-system process like, CPU, Network interface, Memory Usage, Load and etc.

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Its very simplest way to connect and transfer the files between Android, Mobile device with Ubuntu system using Bluetooth device.

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