This post describe you how to uninstall or remove MemSQL in Linux machines. Later discuss the MemSQL installations and configuration steps.

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Review Board is provided as downloadable packages through Python setup tools, it is very easy way to install and configure the Review Board,

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This post describes to install and configure Nagios Client on Ubuntu system, You need to updates necessary packages, install libtool, openssl, libssl dev.

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If you want to enable authentication on a replica set or a sharded cluster, members of the replica set or the sharded clusters must provide credentials to authenticate

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I hope you know to install Nagios monitoring server on CentOS, this post describes to configure the Nagios client in Ubuntu machine. very simple steps to install,

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After have installed ProFTPD latest version and configured in on your machine, if you may get an error while restart the ProFTPD service, proftpd Unable to Use World Readable AuthUserFile.

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Once you have installed an Apache 2.2 version on Linux system, when open the website on browser shows an error,

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