You can obtain the directory where a Bash script is located from within the script itself by using the $0 parameter, which contains the path to the script that is currently running, and the dirname command, which extracts the directory portion of the path.

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Working with Bash script, we are in a need to check the existence of a directory. You can use the test command or its equivalent shorthand [ to check if a directory exists or not in a Bash shell script.

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If would like to install an application or software using Shell script and prompt the user choices either Yes or No or Cancel type question to proceed to the next step with the condition,

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We have two simple shell scripts here, to check the directory is already exist in your current location.

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This post will helps you to find in the Last one hour files or directories and copy those files/directories from AWS S3 bucket to in your Local machine or AWS EC2 instance using the Shell script,

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Ping is a program used to detect a host's reachability on a network. Probably it's executing from the command line followed by hostname or IP address...

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Tcpdump is getting to traffic on a network, The current developments version of tcpdump and libpcap is free from the GitHub, You can clone the tcpdump GitHub repository using,

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