Using the len() function we are able to empty the List. the lin() is a built-in function in Python that returns the length of an object. Lets look at the example below,

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To remove the first item from a list in Python, you can use the pop() method. This method removes an item at a specific index, or the last item if no index is specified. To remove the first item, you can specify an index of 0.

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Now we are going to learn about how to establish Django Application in inside the Docker Container. Docker is basically a toolkit that permit developers to build, deploy, run, update, and stop containers using simple and easy commands and work-saving.

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This post will walk through you how do we use and execute or Call the Linux commands on Python script. The Python is very flexible development script so will add very easy way,

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By default the Python language providers in-built function to display alphabets letters. You can see the code here,

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When you execute the python script for use the AWS cloud call, gets an error like ModuleNotFoundError: No module named boto3.

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OpenCV Darknet ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. You have missed some package dependencies in your Ubuntu 18.04 machine, install the following commands,

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