Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error in PHP,

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Do you want to protect at specific directory with password and redirect any one file use htaccess

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You may get an error like Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 42677051 bytes exhausted,

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There are two way to redirect the doamin one is www to non-www and another one is non-www to www. Add the rules in .htaccess file

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CakePHP is a framework and provides a robust base for your application, its very helpful for website development. We can easily install in few steps,

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Imagick is a very useful PHP extension to create edit, compose bitmap images and modify images and it can be done by ImageMagick API.

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libssh2 library is used to secured remote connection which provide resource shell, remote exec, file transfer using a secure cryptographic transport.

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