While execute phpize in centos or fedora system, the error has received Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation

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On your PHP Language can not be execute header function, and not redirect properly,

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Do you want to increase or set the value of upload maximum file size in PHP. Create a php.ini files in user root path and add following lines.

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Composer is an open source tool for dependency management in PHP. This tool allows to declare the libraries.

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PNGquant is one of best tool for lossy compression of PNG images. Its reduce the PNG image size upto 70% and maintain full alpha transparency.

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ImageMagick can be access in C, Perl, Ruby, PHP, etc. and support about 100 image formats and can perform impressive operations changing colors, stretching, rotating, overlaying images, overlaying text on image, draw text, lines, polygons.

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When you getting following warning message while execute PHP file, need to configure timezone database in sever.

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