Assume that, you have committed and pushed a file thelinuxfaq.txt or any directory node_modules to the Git repository and if you want to ignore that file or not required to keep on the remote repository,
Continue Reading...Assume that, you have committed and pushed a file thelinuxfaq.txt or any directory node_modules to the Git repository and if you want to ignore that file or not required to keep on the remote repository,
Continue Reading...To delete a branch locally in a Git repository, you can use the "git branch" command with the "-d" option and the name of the branch that you want to delete.
Continue Reading...For my new project, when use the yarn command for managing JavaScript packages. Its necessary to add a very specific version of that particular package from the GitHub or Bitbucket repository. The below steps are to know you how to add a package from the repository using YARN. The commands are very useful to find it&perio
Continue Reading...I have recently migrated private repositories from GitHub to AWS CodeCommit, it would take more times if you are doing manually. So, how did we migrate all of our GitHub repositories automatically at once? Yes, we can do it using simple shell scripts.
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