You may get an error Berkeley DB error, the Berkeley DB is probably corrupt and also get information from the Exim log.

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We have already discussed about how to install and configure SSH2 extension in XAMPP in Linux System, same process will configure in your PHP.

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You may get an error when you run yum update command. There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was, No module named pycurl.

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​Geo DNS used to divide the traffic of a website to multiple server easily manage more network traffic. Redirect visitors dynamically to specific server based on country of origin.

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If you may getting an error when you have install or configure any packages as below,

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A JDK is a program development environment its released by Oracle Corporation. This binary package used for compile java application, debug, run Java applets and applications.

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Google Chrome is a open source browser its developed by Google. It can be support Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Mac, Fedora,RHEL and etc...

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