Zookeeper is an open-source coordination service for distributed applications and can build upon to implement higher level services configuration maintenance, group, naming and synchronization. For more information refer the Zookeeper page.

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In Apache web server, Modproxy module for redirecting connections and not a single module its a collection of them. This post describe about modproxy and modproxyhttp only.

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This post describe about how to install Apache2 web server in Ubuntu Latest version, Apache is an open-source multi-platform web server. We have already discussed Apache installation on previous post.

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If you may get an error in Apache2 AH01630 client denied by server configuration, you need to check in your Apache error log file.

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This post describes about how to list out Apache modules and security modules on Linux operating system.

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If you may get an error conn rec has no member named remote ip while installing security module on Apache web server,

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Apache server provide security action is mod_evasive security tool. the mod_evasive evasive maneuvers module for Apache server to provide evasive action in the event of an HTTP DoS or DDoS attack or brute force attack.

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