If you are experiencing an issue where you are still being prompted for a password and passphrase when trying to connect to GitHub using SSH, there could be a few potential reasons for this. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can follow:

Verify SSH key setup: Make sure you have generated the SSH key pair correctly and added the public key to your GitHub account. You can use the ssh-keygen command to generate the key pair and the ssh-add command to add the private key to your SSH agent.

Check key file permissions: Ensure that the permissions of your private key file (id_rsa) are set correctly. It should only be readable by your user account. You can run chmod 600 to set the appropriate permissions.

Confirm remote URL: Check the remote URL of your Git repository. It should be in the format git@github.com:username/repo.git. You can verify this by running git remote -v within your local repository.

Update remote URL: If the remote URL is incorrect or doesn't use SSH, you can update it using the following command:

git remote set-url origin git@github.com:username/repo.git. 

Replace username and repo with your GitHub username and repository name, respectively.

SSH agent forwarding: If you're using SSH agent forwarding, ensure that it's properly configured. You can add the -A flag when connecting to the remote server via SSH (ssh -A user@server) or set the ForwardAgent option in your SSH configuration file.

Restart SSH agent: Sometimes, restarting the SSH agent can resolve the issue. Run ssh-agent -k to kill the current agent process, and then use eval "$(ssh-agent)" to start a new agent.

Disable password authentication: To enforce SSH key authentication and disable password authentication, you can modify your SSH server configuration.  Edit the SSH configuration file and set PasswordAuthentication to no.  Afterward, restart the SSH server (sudo service ssh restart).

Remember to save any changes and try again after each troubleshooting step.