Unfortunately if you have changed files and directories permission to 777 under the all root " / ". You can not reset root password and logged into user account including graphically.
# cd /
# ls
# ls
bin dev home lib64 media mnt opt root selinux srv tmp var xen
boot etc lib lost+found proc sbin sys usr
Solution :
We don't want to be re-install the operating system, can restored all the uids and gids, files and directories permission using rpm command with parameter called --setperms and --setugids .
1. To run the follwing command line reset uids and gids on files and directories,
# for i in $(rpm -qa); do rpm --setugids $i; done
2. To run the following command line reset permissions on files and directories,
# for l in $(rpm -qa); do rpm --setperms $l; done
Finally reboot your system,
# reboot
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