When you updating server packages or install any software’s in your Linux system shows below error,

#  yum update

Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. Please verify its path and try again

I got two way solutions to resolve this.

Solution 1:
#  yum clean all

Clean all cached repository files, when you execute this command clear unnecessary space,
#  yum clean metadata

You wish to clean all xml metadata that may have been cached repository.

Solution 2:
# yum clean all

# rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*

# rpm --rebuilddb

Now try to update again using yum command,

yum update

should be enabled

Repository google-chrome is listed more than once in the configuration
10gen                                       10gen Repository     enabled:      6
adobe-linux-i386                            Adobe Systems Incorp enabled:     17
google-chrome                               google-chrome        enabled:      3
rpmfusion-nonfree                           RPM Fusion for Fedor enabled:    176
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates                   RPM Fusion for Fedor enabled:    548