Drizzle database fork of MySQL, an open source and written in the c++ programming language. Drizzle is a client - server architecture and uses SQL as its primary command language. This can support Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris.
This post describes to install Drizzle latest Server version: 7.1.36-stable on CentOS 6.7. I had tried to install in CentOS 7, could not support and install for me.
Install necessary packages using yum command,
# yum install gperf protobuf-devel libuuid-devel readline-devel boost-devel gcc gcc-c++
Download and extract dirzzle-7.1.36 stable version,
# wget https://launchpad.net/drizzle/7.1/7.1.36/+download/drizzle-7.1.36-stable.tar.gz
# tar -zxvf drizzle-7.1.36-stable.tar.gz
# cd drizzle-7.1.36-stable
then, configure the Drizzle set prefix to /usr/local/drizzle
# ./configure --with-libprotobuf-prefix=/usr/local/drizzle
Configuration summary for drizzle version 7.1 drizzle-7.1
* Installation prefix: /usr/local
* System type: unknown-linux-gnu
* pandora-build version: 0.175
* Host CPU: x86_64
* C Compiler: gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16)
* C++ Compiler: g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16)
* Assertions enabled: yes
* Debug enabled: no
* Profiling enabled: no
* Coverage enabled: no
* Warnings as failure: no
# make
# make install
find out the installed location,
# whereis drizzle
drizzle: /usr/local/bin/drizzle /usr/local/lib/drizzle
Create a new user for database running on specific user.
# adduser drizzle
# su - drizzle
# cd /usr/local
Finally, start the service and check whether is running,
# sbin/drizzled &
# drizzle
Welcome to the Drizzle client.. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your Drizzle connection id is 1
Connection protocol: mysql
Server version: 7.1.36-stable Source distribution (drizzle-7.1)
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
You can manage Drizzle database using a GUI database management tool called phpMyAdmin.
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