If you have forgotten your password on your wordpress,  can easily retrieve new password by  easy way steps.

Open your Wordpress  Login page (The url something Like  : http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin/ or http://yourdomain.com/wordpress/wp-admin/ )

Click on   Lost your password?  you will be taken to a page

Enter the your Wordpress Admin email id on textbox and click on  Get New Password.

Suppose  If you couldn't remember the email id, don't worry you can reset it directly in the database.

Open your phpMyAdmin and select your database and a execute query;

// If the database name is wordpressdb.
Click on sql menu  and enter the query to use database ;

> use wordpressdb;
 Your SQL query has been executed successfully (Query took 0.0002 sec)

The admin login details stored in wp_users table,  Execute the query  to open the table details
SELECT * FROM `wp_users` ;

Execute on below queries to add  the email id admin@thelinuxfaq.com “ in wp_users table
UPDATE wordpressdb.wp_users SET user_email = ‘admin@thelinuxfaq.com’ WHERE wp_users.ID=1;

Wait until your new password is emailed to you,
Once received new password in email, login and change it to new password on your profile page.

And another way to update email id directly on Table click on database name in phpMyAdmin,
Select the wp_users table using below queries.
show tables;

SELECT * FROM `wp_users` ;

Click on edit  ( you can also edit most values by double-clicking directly)
Enter your email id under user_email Field  and enter "Go" button, it will be changed.